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May 14, 2008 Meeting Minutes
Natural Resources Preservation Committee
A subcommittee of the Conservation Commission/Inland Wetlands Watercourse Agency
Minutes- Regular Meeting        May 14, 2008
Held at East Windsor Town Hall
        I.      Attendance:     M. Kovalcek, A. Grant, L. Whitten, R Slate, J Strempfer
                        Absent: J Robinson, B Smigiel

11.     Call to Order: 7:10 p.m.

111.    Approval of minutes: Minutes of April meeting approved unanimously

lv.     A. Grant accepted appointment of Chairman

V.      A new list for active farmland was distributed to all members in attendance M Kovalcek will contact Ct. Farmland trust and A Grant will check with Farmlink on grants available to the town and farmers in the town.

Vi.     A Grant will set up a meeting with D Menard concerning a land grant ballot question to be put on the November ballot.

Vii.    it was the consensus of the committee that the second week of the month was the best time to meet.

Vi 11 All committee members that can will attend the community workshop for economic development for public officials held June 5~, 6 P.M. at scout hail.

iX      Adjournment: 8:26 P.M.

M.A. Kovalcek

AY 16 2008
~       T WN CLERK